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DOCS 2021 Poster Session: 
Clinical Reasoning

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Student Becomes the Teacher:  Piloting Student Leadership in a Medical School Clinical Reasoning Program
Marina Gaeta Gazzola, Yale School of Medicine

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Teaching clinical reasoning to pre-clerkship students by incorporating "Comprehensive Integrative Puzzles" into routine lectures
Anita Kusnoor, MD, Baylor College of Medicine

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Structure, Ideology, Power: Critical Theory as a Foundation for Systemic Clinical Reasoning
Amy Garlin, MD, University of California, Berkeley - University of California, San Francisco

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Transitioning to a virtual clinical skills curriculum increased average oral presentation scores in 2nd year medical students
Adam Heath, MD, University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix

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Escaping Traditional ACLS Training: Using Case-based Escape Room Scenarios to Teach the Basics of ACLS Training to Graduating Medical Students
Nicholas B. Conway, Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

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